📌Other Cats in ‼️ Velcro Army

Velcro is proud of you <3 ❤

Pickles ehehe

She has a lil community now :P

Here’s an eepy Pickles for ya, sorry for no art today

I got a bit of a case of art block


Peaceful 😸😸

Ignore her music 🤭🤭

I just had a straight up conversation with my cat

She just went ‘Chirp’

And I said ‘meow’

And she said ‘chirp’

And I said ‘meow’

And she said ‘chirp chirp’

I am totally a professional cat whisperer


He’s so silly (totally a cat btw)

Why he lay down like that-?

He’s weird, I dunno

Kitty meow meow



Jeez what war crime(s) is she planning ? 😭😭

Very mad sombrero cat

This is pickles

She my kitty